Thursday, 24 June 2010

Henry Moore Visit

Went to the Henry Moore Foundation today and spent the day sketching and taking photos.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Experments with Sepia and Black and White Photography

These are my experiments with sepia and black and white photography. Look on flickr for the rest of the series.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Looking back on the this year part 2

This is the second website I was talking about in the previous post. We had two modules joined together. So we did the photography module which was exploring the principles of photography and then chose a famous photographer and creating a series of images in his or her style. I chose Richard Maxted because I liked how he made ordinary objects look extraordinary. Then we created a Flash website to display our photography that we took in the photography module. Here are the jpegs of the three pages of the website.

This page showed all the photographs. You click on the small thumbnails to bring up the enlarged image.

This page was information about me.

Looking back on this year part 1

Looking back on this year's work I found two of my website designs that I enjoyed creating. So here they are.

The first one is from a project that we had to redesign a consumer website and redesign it to sell the products more effectively.

I chose Kites as my product and redesigned the website to look like this.

This would be the home page of the site and the book would the flip the pages like a photo album.

This would the the product page


And this would be
the category page.

Experimenting with glass and water on 3D Max

Friday, 4 June 2010

First post

Hi I am generally a creative person and at the moment I am currently finishing my second year of a Digital animation and Interactive design degree course and loving every moment. I really enjoy modeling and animating in 3D Max and I am also very passionate photographer.